The main institutional real estate investors in Italy are Asset Management Companies (AMCs), which focus their activities on strategy definition, property enhancement and coordination of operational activities, as well as legal, accounting and tax activities. Property, facility and agency operational activities are normally outsourced to specialized companies (outsourcers) through competitive selections and with periodic rotation of service providers. However, these outsourcers have their own management information systems, and because of this it is necessary to find solutions that ensure the integrity and consistency of managed data between the AMC’s accounting applications, the applications used by the different outsourcers, and the management of data on Excel spreadsheets, which are commonly used by fund and asset managers for analysis.
This sensitive issue is easier to manage when AMCs rely on outsourcers capable of managing the most popular and well-established applications on the market, avoiding frequent data migrations that are nearly always a source of errors. The ability of applications to talk to each other through IT integration contributes even further to smooth and secure data migration.
With this in mind, DPS and IdeaRE, leaders in products for the management of large real estate assets, have decided to implement a communication interface between EASYRE and REFTREE. EASYRE, a leader in Real Estate marketing management and control of sales networks that work with many real estate units and brokers, is now interfaced with REFTREE, a leading application for property and facility management.  This interface allows EASYRE to be fed with management data and REFTREE with sales data.
“The integration between systems brings huge benefits to the company,” says Marco Belcastro, “for example, all the standards of the sector that uses REFTREE automatically transfer to the other sector that uses EASYRE; increasing standardization, greatly reducing errors, and above all, helping the company to eliminate excessive use of EXCEL or other manual operations, which are often sources of large gray areas in compliance.”
Another important initiative is the implementation of as many functions as possible within those applications needed by fund and asset managers for their activities in promotional enhancement and as coordinators of outsourcers. In this area, EASYRE has invested substantially in recent years to codify and structure the sales processes in all their informational and documentary details, thereby limiting the use of Excel sheets. Although valuable for many purposes, Excel spreadsheets can become a risk when used in operational management, being subject to customized user modifications that make them less and less reliable over time.
#EASYRE #realestate #Proptech #Reftree #DPS
Real Estate 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore – 13/02/23 pag. 15